How to take care of yourself in the home office

Why you absolutely must take care of your physical,
mental and emotional health

written by: Rebecca Greier Horton, Director of Workplace Well-Being Knowledge at Herman Miller

Make sure you have enough light
Pay attention to your posture
Be active
Get comfortable

Self-care is a hot topic in 2020. And now that many of us work from home offices, it becomes even more important. How do we take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health while facing the challenge of working remotely?

Comfort is quite important in the home office. Take the time to make your workspace at home ergonomic. By doing so, you’ll prevent musculoskeletal disorders that can occur when you work on a laptop for long periods of time. You’ll also increase your cognitive performance. But what should you start with?

1. Make sure you have enough light

Choose a place where natural light is the main source of light. Research shows that our sleep patterns and even hormones are positively affected by it. If you work near a window where you can also let in fresh air – all the better!

2. Pay attention to your posture

Remember that you should also avoid poor posture when working from home. How you sit today affects how your body will be in the future. Choose an office chair that supports your body. A recent study by Herman Miller and Texas A&M shows how the right chair can affect cognitive processes and your body’s ability to handle stress.

3. Be active

Get moving. A University of Waterloo research paper recommends that for every hour we work, we should stand for 30 minutes – whether or not you have room for a height-adjustable desk.

4. Get comfortable

If you haven’t yet gotten around to buying a good sit-stand desk for your home office, at least consider it as an investment in your health.

Bottom line: self-care should be a priority when working from home. It will help you always be at your best: as a partner, caregiver, mother/father, manager, friend or employee.

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