Health at Work

Health via power socket

A study by the University of Leipzig shows that the power outlet box is capable of inactivating pathogens such as influenza and coronaviruses as well as staphylococcus bacteria in the air. Thus, the risk of infection in office spaces can be reduced by up to 95 percent. The clean air produced by NETMODULE ION-Cloud also has a positive effect on mental and physical well-being. This reduces sick days and absenteeism among employees and therefore also makes good business sense. A healthy working environment promotes the well-being and performance of employees. This includes, above all, impeccable indoor air that allows deep breathing. However, office air is rarely completely clean. It contains, for example, virus-laden aerosols, bacteria, fine dust particles and pollen. These float around as positively charged air particles – ready to be inhaled.

The vitamins of the air

One technical means of combating such air impurities is the ionizer. This generates minus ions that adhere to positively charged, harmful particles in the room air. This process inactivates germs and also neutralizes pollen, fungal spores or smoke particles. The electrification specialist A. & H. Meyer has succeeded for the first time in integrating an ionizer into the NETBOX Leaf+ surface-mounted socket with the NETMODULE ION-Cloud. This special design has several advantages, especially compared to conventional air purifiers: No filter is necessary.

This eliminates maintenance and replacement costs:
No fan is required. This eliminates annoying noise.
No separate device is necessary.

Thus no additional space on the desk.

The power of ions

Up to 60 million minus ions/cm³

0 - 80 Rooms with air conditioning
40 - 120 Office
100 - 750 City air
1.000 - 2.000 Country air
1.000 - 4.000 Mountains
2.000 - 6.000 Seashore
70.000 - 250.000 Waterfall

Effects on humans

up to 50  Cause of psychological disorders
1.000 - 2.000 Minimum requirement for a healthy environment
5.000 - 50.000 Improvement of the body's immune defenses
50.000 - 100.000 Killing of bacteria and viruses and reduction of infection foci
100.000 - 500.000 Promotion of healing processes


  • Inactivates viruses
  • Neutralizes bacteria, fungus and spores
  • Strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to diseases
  • Reduces the amount of carcinogenic hydrocarbons in the air by about 75%.
  • Activates the body cells
  • Increases oxygen uptake in the blood


  • Alleviates allergies
  • Reduces asthma attacks
  • Relieves arthritis pain
  • Balances blood pressure
  • Alleviates inflammation
  • Speeds recovery from injuries and surgeries


  • Increases and prolongs the ability to concentrate
  • Increases cognitive performance
  • Helps with depression, improves moods
  • Promotes alpha waves in the brain
  • Combats fatigue, headaches, nervousness

And we can also prove it

With the help of an air ion counter we measure the number of positive and negative ions at your site to prove which change occurs through ION-Cloud.
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Das Arbeiten mit dem Werkstoff Holz in seiner Vielfältigkeit fasziniert mich immer wieder aufs Neue.


Technical Manager

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Nadine Zumbrunn

Interior Designer

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Priska Bauer-Heeb

Interior Designer

Möbel sind meine Leidenschaft und der Umgang mit Design, Funktion, Farbe, Material und Oberflächen ist seit mehr als 25 Jahren Teil meines Berufes, den ich nicht missen möchte.

Office Zug bietet mir als Produkt Manager Digital Retail eine Aufgabe, in der ich all mein Wissen und meine Lust am «Möbeln» einbringen kann.


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Die Faszination meiner Aufgabe liegt sowohl in der Vielfalt unserer Projekte als auch in derer unserer Kunden.

Verschiedenste Anforderungen, Ziele und Kulturen verlangen eine hohes Mass an Empathie und Kommunikation.

Der Zuspruch und die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden ist die Belohnung für ein perfektes Team .