Video Collaboration

Video conferencing is the future of work

Effective communication is essential. Video conferencing has become an essential tool to work more productively. Today, virtual workplaces are no longer a matter of preference, but a tangible, cost-effective, and scalable solution for making face-to-face connections. That’s why video conferencing is part of the new normal and at the heart of any flexible workplace. They are fundamentally changing internal and external business communications for the better.

The top five benefits of why you should use video conferencing:

1. Cost/Benefit Ratio

Arguably one of the biggest benefits is that online meetings save time and money. Not only do employees not have to worry about the costs associated with daily commuting, but they also save on unnecessary business travel – video conferences can be scheduled from anywhere. This saves companies money by eliminating the need to pay for office operating costs (including unused real estate space).

2. Improved Recruiting

Another benefit comes when recruiting new employees. Hiring remote employees in different locations who need to be interviewed and trained independently is not a problem nowadays thanks to video conferencing. Videoconferencing helps remote team members feel like they belong and are part of the company culture. Even though a lot can be clarified over email, video is more engaging because the face-to-face conversation better engages participants (and leaves little room for multitasking).

3. Building a Collaborative Culture

While dedicated instant messaging tools are a great way to keep remote teams in touch, video conferencing adds the necessary face-to-face element to make employees feel connected. Virtual teams are a key driver of digital transformation, so companies need to invest in modern technologies to engage remote workers and increase productivity. Video conferencing improves everyday internal and external communication and collaboration as it is highly flexible and extremely convenient.

4. Comfortable Virtual Working

Unlike phone calls or chat-based communication, video conferences are more convenient as they allow sharing files or screen content in a virtual space. They also increase focus. While it’s easy to lose track of time during in-person meetings and still get side-tracked during phone calls, video conferences are designed to last a set amount of time. This means you can focus better on the topic at hand, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency.

5. Good for the planet

It’s no secret that the jet set has a negative impact on the environment. Air travel (including domestic and international flights; passenger and cargo) is responsible for 1.9% of greenhouse gas emissions. Video conferencing is an environmentally friendly alternative to reduce your company’s carbon footprint while reducing travel and lodging costs. According to the World Wildlife Fund, continuous improvements in video conferencing technology could reduce global emissions by one billion tons per year by 2030.

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Nach der Arbeit widme ich mich meinem Hobby Modellbau und bin im Bastelraum oder auf dem Flugplatz aufzufinden.


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Als gelernter Zimmermann durfte ich während meiner drei Jahren Wanderschaft unterschiedlichste Arbeitsweisen, Materialien und kulturell geprägte Designsprachen kennenlernen. 

Das Arbeiten mit dem Werkstoff Holz in seiner Vielfältigkeit fasziniert mich immer wieder aufs Neue.


Technical Manager

Vernetzung von Technik, Ergonomie und Menschen ist das, was mich an unserer Arbeit begeistert. Privat ist Paartanz meine Leidenschaft – von Disco-Fox zu Latin über Rock n’ Roll bis Boogie Woogie.

Nadine Zumbrunn

Interior Designer

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Priska Bauer-Heeb

Interior Designer

Möbel sind meine Leidenschaft und der Umgang mit Design, Funktion, Farbe, Material und Oberflächen ist seit mehr als 25 Jahren Teil meines Berufes, den ich nicht missen möchte.

Office Zug bietet mir als Produkt Manager Digital Retail eine Aufgabe, in der ich all mein Wissen und meine Lust am «Möbeln» einbringen kann.


Head of Department

Die Faszination meiner Aufgabe liegt sowohl in der Vielfalt unserer Projekte als auch in derer unserer Kunden.

Verschiedenste Anforderungen, Ziele und Kulturen verlangen eine hohes Mass an Empathie und Kommunikation.

Der Zuspruch und die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden ist die Belohnung für ein perfektes Team .