Aeron Chair


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Sustainable from the start
Aeron Chair is made from more than 50 percent recycled material
Aeron Onyx is also made from ocean plastic

Where comfort meets support
Aeron has been the benchmark for ergonomic seating since its debut in 1994.

A chair that appeals to everyone
The Aeron Chair’s three sizes – A, B and C – are designed specifically for a wide range of body types.

12 year warranty

Aeron Chair

Sustainable from the beginning

The Aeron Chair is available in four carefully selected material colors inspired by elements found in the earth. Onyx is a dramatic ultra-matte deep black that modernizes the Aeron. Graphite is an elegant dark gray with a classic textured finish. Carbon is harmonious and neutral and can be used in both warm and cool environments. Mineral is the lightest color option and brings out the details of Aeron – ideal for open floor plans and spaces. Each component of the chair has been thoughtfully designed to create a harmonious color palette.

The Aeron is made of more than 50 percent recycled material – and now “Ocean Bound Plastic,” which keeps more than 150 tons of plastic waste out of the ecosystem each year.


Where comfort meets support

Our best-seller, the Aeron Chair by Herman Miller, not only boasts an aesthetically light and sustainable design, but is also thoroughly ergonomic and designed for all body types.

The Aeron Chair offers smarter weight distribution through 8Z Pellicle®, an adjustable PostureFit SL® that supports both the sacrum and lumbar spine to allow for the natural S-shape, and the powerful Harmonic™2 Tilt mechanism that supports the user’s natural movements and allows for a balanced tilt.


Aeron Chair: A chair that appeals to all

The Aeron Chair is available in three sizes – A, B and C – and is designed to fit many different body types. Most ergonomic chairs are suitable for people between the fifth and 95th percentiles, but Herman Miller believes an even wider range of people deserve a chair that fits them, from the height of the backrest to the seat width and tilt mechanism to the size of the base.

There’s an Aeron Chair for almost everyone, from the first to the 99th percentile.


Bill Stumpf und Don Chadwick, 1994
Die Neuauflage von Don Chadwick, 2016
Zum Wohle der Umwelt weiterentwickelt von Don Chadwick, 2021

Garantie: 12 Jahre


Bill Stumpf and Don Chadwick, 1994
Die Neuauflage by Don Chadwick, 2016
For the benefit of the environment further developed by Don Chadwick, 2021

Warranty: 12 years

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