Embody Chair

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A new benchmark

More than 20 physicians and doctoral students from the fields of biomechanics, vision, physiotherapy and ergonomics have contributed their expertise to the development of this chair.

Adjustment of the backrest

Once the chair is adjusted to you, the backrest adjusts to your movements and automatically adjusts to your changing positions.

Layers of intelligence

The Embody seat is made up of four different layers of support – each with its own material properties and each with a different manufacturing process to stay cool and comfortable while you sit. 12 year warranty included.

Physical harmony between human and technology

The Embody’s design began with the recognition of a previously unsolved problem: the lack of physical harmony between people and technology. We spend too much time sitting in front of our computers or staring at our tablets, moving at most our fingers. This often makes us stiff and tired because our bodies are designed to move. With the Embody, designers Bill Stumpf and Jeff Weber set out to solve this problem.
More than 30 physicists and scientists from the fields of biomechanics, optics, physical therapy and ergonomics contributed their expertise to the development of this chair. As a result, the Embody today sets a new standard for pressure distribution, natural alignment and ergonomic support
healthy movement when sitting.

BackFit™ - the natural curve shape

With its center column and flexible ribs, the Embody is modeled after the human back. The BackFit™ adjustment ensures that the backrest conforms to the natural curve of your spine, allowing you to maintain a neutral, balanced posture. Once the chair is properly adjusted to you
the backrest adapts to your every movement and changing sitting posture. Whether you are leaning forward or leaning back, you will always be optimally supported.

So intelligent that you can actually think better in it!

You feel the Pixelated Support™ of the Embody immediately when sitting down – as if floating and yet in perfect balance. Thanks to the dynamic pixel matrix, the Embody’s seat and backrest automatically adapt to even minimal movements of the body and distribute the weight of the sitter. This reduces pressure and encourages movement – good for blood circulation and concentration.

With the Embody, form does not simply follow function. The function
is also clearly visible everywhere. Because every part of the chair is designed for a very specific function. The technology is not hidden, but makes up part of the aesthetics. Because after years of research, development and many series of tests – over and over again – the art of design and the scientific knowledge about sitting finally came together in Embody.


Bill Stumpf und Don Chadwick, 1994
Die Neuauflage von Don Chadwick, 2016
Zum Wohle der Umwelt weiterentwickelt von Don Chadwick, 2021

Garantie: 12 Jahre


Bill Stumpf and Jeff Weber

Warranty: 12 Jahre

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Interior Designer

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Interior Designer

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