Cosm Chair

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Auto-Harmonic Tilt

Tilt instantly and automatically provides balanced support and movement depending on your body and posture.

Flexible frame

The thin but sturdy frame feels like it doesn’t even exist. It provides support while bending so you can move your upper body comfortably. 12 year warranty included.


The chair for everyone!

The sophisticated ergonomics of this chair set new standards for individual seating comfort.
The design of this chair allows the mechanism to automatically adapt to the user, adopting the user’s harmonious movements in the most ergonomic way.
The reclining mechanism of an office chair is like the transmission of a car – it can be manual or, as with the Cosm, automatic.
With self-adjusting chairs, the body was previously forced to adapt to the movement of the tilt mechanism. Auto-Harmonic Tilt, the Cosm’s auto-harmonic tilt mechanism, is different: It adapts to the user’s posture – for relaxed reclining and individual comfort. Studio 7.5 and Herman Miller have perfected the self-adjusting tilt with a newly developed, finely tuned mechanism. In response to the vertical force of the sitter, gears in the tilt mechanism move the pivot along a leaf spring to automatically adjust the tilt tension.

Convincing seating experience

By testing the prototypes of hundreds of handmade or 3D-printed parts, it was possible to create a seating experience that is second to none. “One of the biggest challenges – or should I say one of the biggest opportunities – was how to apply the pressure distribution to fit as seamlessly as possible into the frame,” says Burkhard Schmitz. The solution was small “teeth” that allow the material to be inserted into the frame while remaining taut to ensure even pressure distribution. The ingenious attachment of the pressure distribution to the frame is a good example of the “industrial craftsmanship” that is at the heart of Studio 7.5’s design process.

Sophisticated design

In their work on this chair, the designers at Studio 7.5 took the word “un-throw” quite literally. They wanted to “throw their ideas a little bit ahead, into the unknown, so that they lead us in the right direction.” With Cosm, “designing” has led them to their most ambitious design to date.


Studio 7.5

Warranty: 12 Jahre

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Nadine Zumbrunn

Interior Designer

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